March Mad Lust - Artist Group Show
March 7th - 29th 2025
Submit up to 3 works
Any medium considered
March Mad Lust - Artist Group Show
March 7th - 29th 2025
Submit up to 3 works
Any medium considered
March Mad Lust - Artist Group Show
March 7th - 29th 2025
Submit up to 3 works
Any medium considered
Call For Entries
March 2025
“Mad March Lust” Group Exhibition
MIX Art Gallery is a privately owned and operated contemporary art gallery in New York’s upstate Finger Lakes region. We are open three to four days per week, and we host a new exhibit each month. As contributing members of local art, we seek to enhance the cultural and economic vitality of the community.
Entries are now being accepted
All artistic media, both 2D & 3D, will be considered.
The entry fee is $35.
The submission deadline for completing your entry will be 11pm, February 15th, 2025
The show will run from March 7th - March 29th, 2025
Artwork will be presented both in our gallery and simultaneously on-line.
Entry Requirements
All submitted art must be original art that has never been exhibited at our gallery. We will accept all media types. Prints must also be original art. All hand-pulled prints, i.e. Lithography, Etching, Screen print, Relief, etc. will be accepted. Art using a computer as a canvas with digital brushes, and original digitally manipulated art will be accepted. Anything made with AI and prints that are a reproduction of the original will not be accepted. You must describe your medium and process.
The entry fee of $35 covers three artwork submissions per artist. The fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee that your work will be accepted into the show. It must be paid by following the link on our website for “artist submissions”
Each entrant may submit up to three works. If you submit additional detailed images, you must include the word “detail” in the title. The form allows 5 images in total.
If accepted artwork is heavier than 50 lb. the artist will have to assist in installation and removal.
Submission of Work
All entries will be processed through our “artist submissions” link on our website at
All image files should be labeled as follows: Year, month, last name, FIRST NAME (all caps), image number (01,02,03 etc.), and title of work (or short title).jpg. For example:
2024 11 Doe JANE 01 Winter in Paris.jpg
2024 11 Doe JANE Winter in Paris Detail_1.jpg
Choose your title, description, and pricing carefully. While we expect there may be a few typos to correct, in order to upload your images and information to our online gallery and store in a timely manner, we cannot accept changes of title or price changes after submission. Price your work thoughtfully, and then add on the percentage for the commission if you choose.
Delivery of Work
If your work is accepted into the show, it must be hand delivered by you (or someone you designate) to the gallery between 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Saturday, February 22nd. If you live too far away to hand deliver your work, consider mailing it to someone in the area who could deliver it for you. Or contact to receive delivery of out-of-town artwork. Any work sent to her must be sent UPS only and have a prepaid return label included in the package. Shipping costs and insurance are the responsibility of the artist. The address for the artwork to be sent to, is not the gallery address. Please discuss the details with Wendy to arrange for the delivery of the work.
All work hand-delivered to the gallery must be retrieved on Sunday, March 30th 2024, between 11:00 am and 2 pm.
Show Design
The gallery will handle all sales, including appropriate sales tax. The gallery will charge a 40% commission on all sales. Remember that 40% will be deducted from your stated sales price, so price your work accordingly. You will not be able to change your sales price after submission.
You may choose to label the work “Not for Sale.”
Exhibit Promotion
MIX Art Gallery will promote the show widely. It will be featured on the main page of our website during November. We will post on social media and online calendars including the Ithaca Visitors Guide, Ithaca Times, Chamber of Commerce Ithaca calendar, and more. There will be links to it on the Ithaca Gallery Night website. The show and the work may be a featured story in local publications including What’s Hot Magazine – and arts, dining, and entertainment publication. We will create and send a press release to 30+ publications within a 50-mile radius of the gallery location in Ithaca, NY.
The show will open on March 7th, 2025. We will hold a reception at the gallery on “Gallery Night” (First Friday), that evening of March 7th, 2025, from 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
Terms and Conditions
Submissions to the MIX Art Gallery Exhibit shall imply an agreement on the part of each artist to all conditions of this prospectus. Permission for MIX Art Gallery to use images of accepted works for publicity, education, and reference purposes is assumed, in perpetuity.
The Gallery will take a 40% commission in compensation for handling sales, including collecting and paying NYS sales tax.
While MIX Art Gallery will make reasonable efforts to protect the work of an exhibitor, the Gallery cannot indemnify the work against loss or damage. In submitting and agreeing to exhibit the work in the Gallery, the exhibitor agrees that MIX Art Gallery, its employers (volunteer or otherwise), or agents will not be held liable and will be held harmless should there be damage or loss of work.
Send any remaining questions to